BellaDonna Brews

Wine and Mead Making at its Most Experimental (at least until I figure out what the heck I am doing!)

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

If you need help feeding a family healthy delicious food on a shoestring budget, I'm your girl, errrr, mermaid. Tiny budgets deserve better than the drive thru, and I'm here to help give you the tips and techniques to help you succeed. I am currently a full time student and single mother of two, but I have been responsible for feeding a family of six, including 4 adults on a regular basis. The kinds of tips I'll be sharing will cover big families, small families, even singles!


Mmmm, happy yeasties!

Last night, when I pitched the yeast, I just poured them straight in the middle, no stirring them in, in order to let them get used to their new environment. This morning when I went to check on it, there was a very nice layer of foam all over the top of the must, with a heavy yeast smell. After stirring the bajeezus out of it for a minute or two, I was rewarded with what seemed like 2 inches or more of foam. Happy yeasties! Happy Scout! I will be stirring again tonight and twice a day all weekend to make sure the yeasties get their required oxygen.

On a seasonal note, it looks like the weather might finally be turning. It's almost 11, and it is still beautifully cool outside with a heavy cloud cover, maybe some rain soon. I saw a cute little hummingbird hovering around my neighbor's oleander bushes. So cute! It was only as big as my little finger - the smallest one I have seen here yet. *grins*


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