BellaDonna Brews

Wine and Mead Making at its Most Experimental (at least until I figure out what the heck I am doing!)

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

If you need help feeding a family healthy delicious food on a shoestring budget, I'm your girl, errrr, mermaid. Tiny budgets deserve better than the drive thru, and I'm here to help give you the tips and techniques to help you succeed. I am currently a full time student and single mother of two, but I have been responsible for feeding a family of six, including 4 adults on a regular basis. The kinds of tips I'll be sharing will cover big families, small families, even singles!



Okay, so not much of one, but this morning as I was walking through the living room to the kitchen, I said to myself "Hmm, that's odd. The whole house smells like mead. It should have dissipated from racking by now." As I got closer to the kitchen, my mind started going back to posts I had read on the GM forums about fermentations being so vigorous, they blew off the airlock and painted the ceiling with mead. I started getting scared of what I would find in my kitchen.

Imagine my relief when all I saw was mead in the airlock and a little on the counter. Thank goodness! I cleaned up the counter and bottle, and fitted a new airlock, set a little higher in the stopper to try and avoid having mead get into it.

But the Cherry Vanilla mead is going STRONG! One and half blips per second, maybe more, because they were going so fast, and running into each other sometimes, so it was hard to keep really good count. Them are some happy yeasties! I'll just have to remember to check the airlock before I go to bed and see if I have to change it out again.


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