Mmmmm and ICK!
Last week, I got to play around with my brews! It was time to rack and bottle and stuff.
The Pumpkin Wine and Treat were both bottled, although there was QUITE a difference in taste. The wine was a nice, young, dry white. It will be good in another year, prolly. The Treat, though - still tastes like crud. I bottled it, though, and I'm not touching it for at least a year. Maybe it will age into something.
The Ginger Peaches needed racking. Both had a huge pile of sediment on the bottom. The mead had something white floating on the top. I racked around it, and plan on asking about it on GotMead. If it comes back, and the experts don't indicate throwing out the whole batch, I will prolly rack next onto some campden. Both peach brews needed some serious topping up (3 cups of water for the wine, and 2 c. leftovers from the fridge and 2 c. water for the mead).
Ginger Peach Mead and Ginger Peach Wine before racking (notice the HUGE pile of sediment!):

The white ICK floating on top of the Mead:

Finished bottles of Pumpkin Wine (left) and Treat (right):

Next up? Still planning on a "Cinnful Cyser", and possibly an apple wine to go with it, but first I plan on bottling the JAO this weekend (woohoo, 25 bottles!) and I have a couple of jalapenos and some serranos with "Capsimel" written all over them. That should make the boys happy . . . . .
The Pumpkin Wine and Treat were both bottled, although there was QUITE a difference in taste. The wine was a nice, young, dry white. It will be good in another year, prolly. The Treat, though - still tastes like crud. I bottled it, though, and I'm not touching it for at least a year. Maybe it will age into something.
The Ginger Peaches needed racking. Both had a huge pile of sediment on the bottom. The mead had something white floating on the top. I racked around it, and plan on asking about it on GotMead. If it comes back, and the experts don't indicate throwing out the whole batch, I will prolly rack next onto some campden. Both peach brews needed some serious topping up (3 cups of water for the wine, and 2 c. leftovers from the fridge and 2 c. water for the mead).
Ginger Peach Mead and Ginger Peach Wine before racking (notice the HUGE pile of sediment!):

The white ICK floating on top of the Mead:

Finished bottles of Pumpkin Wine (left) and Treat (right):

Next up? Still planning on a "Cinnful Cyser", and possibly an apple wine to go with it, but first I plan on bottling the JAO this weekend (woohoo, 25 bottles!) and I have a couple of jalapenos and some serranos with "Capsimel" written all over them. That should make the boys happy . . . . .
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